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What Is The Next Step?

Once there is a recognition that a closed-end lease plan is preferable, some questions then arise.

  • Leasing is a service; what plan is best?
  • Why do monthly payments vary from one company to another?
  • Are these price differences indicative only of profit variations, or do they contemplate quality variations as well.

Video Key points: A lease companies resources are invaluable - but they may not relate to your position and or expectations.

Consultations are essential - most customers will benefit from leasing but not all.

Unlike purchasing a car, which is a simple one-dimensional structure where you compare one dealer’s offer against another (assuming of course that you are comparing the exact same model) it’s not the same when comparing one closed-end lease contract to another.  It’s not just a machine you are acquiring; you are also receiving a service of distinctive levels depending on the package chosen.

Packages – There are, inside the closed-end lease contract family, 3 major categories of service levels

  1. Private
  2. Private with insurance
  3. Full Service (tifoli)

We Assist in Choosing the Best Lease Plan for You

To derive the optimal outcome of reducing transportation costs, you need to know when to apply a specific service package to achieve that desired result.

We can guide you in understanding, first, if leasing of any variation is right for you, and if so, which closed-end lease package will produce the maximum benefit for your situation. 

Before you venture on your own, please complete this short questionnaire. Then we can set a time to discuss your options, and should you wish, we will guide you through the entire process, in addition to providing added value not easily found elsewhere.